The Wadden Sea National Park is one of the world's most important wetlands. The tide makes an impression when 1.000,000,000 m3 of water is moved back and forth through the depths twice a day.
The Wadden Sea is of crucial importance for 10-12 million migratory birds on the East Atlantic Migration Route. Here the birds can rest and forage. It gives visitors the opportunity to have some unique experiences watching birds.
Visit the Wadden Sea Centre, which, in addition to being an architectural wonder, shows exciting exhibitions about the nature and culture of the Wadden Sea. Learn about tides, wildlife, black sun, storm surges, migratory birds and more.
The exhibition is aimed at both adults and children.
Guided nature experiences are offered all year round and during the school holidays there are special activities for children.
It is a breathtaking sight when the starlings gather in hundreds of thousands in the evening sky before going to rest. Their aerial ballet is beautiful, but is about life and death for the starlings. The phenomenon can be experienced in spring and autumn. We call it Black Sun.
We offer stays that include both guided tours and a dinner in town, Please call us for booking.
It is a very special experience to look into the Wadden Sea and experience sky and sea as one. And you just have to bend down to pick the most delicious oysters, gently cleaned by the tide and ready to open and enjoy. The oyster season is January-April + October - December.
We offer oyster stays that include both guided tours and an oyster evening at one of the city's best restaurants. Here, bubbles and oysters are served as a welcome and a menu where oysters are included as a surprise element in the main course.
Please call us for booking.
Ribe also has its own oyster festival.
In the Wadden Sea National Park, Denmark's largest population of harbor seals is found. It looks beautiful when the seals are resting on the sandbanks and their fur glistens in the sun. They may look peaceful, but they are actually one of the biggest predators we have in this country. If you want to experience the seals, take the Wadden Sea Centre's guides on a seal safari.
Just 1/2 hour's drive south of Ribe there is an elongated sandy beach by the North Sea. The beach is child-friendly, as the waves are rarely large and the seabed is fairly flat. The beach invites you to activities, also outside the summer season. A walk by the sea is always nice.